day 16
Using .filter(), and thinking about reusable components ...
Using .filter(), and thinking about reusable components ...
Wrote documentation on how to use git (e.g. using branches, making pull requests, setting remote repos) for my workplace. It’s on Notion, titled Working with Git
Set cookies for JSON Web Tokens with Flask and added support for the use of credentials in cross-origin requests. ...
Set up node to communicate with a Flask backend that someone else built for a volunteering project. ...
Figured out how to use asdf (it’s a version manager!) to manage different versions of Ruby and Python on my laptop. ...
Did half an hour of Javascript exercises on ...
Flexbox shenanigans! ...
More working with objects: Object.keys(obj) and for (let item in items)on freecodecamp. ...
Bits of progress - did some regex exercises + learnt about array + object methods ...
Starting to think about whether this site is accessible, how to test if it is accessible, and how to make it accessible if it isn’t ...