Flexbox shenanigans!

Flexbox Froggy – completed this today! it’s a great resource that teaches you about the differences between various properties that work with flex, like align-content and align-items. Highly recommend. Doesn’t take long to complete.

Volunteering project: Got a component to take JSON data (messages) from an API, set state and use the state to generate divs for each message. So if there are 5 messages, 5 divs are generated. Used media query + flex to display 2 columns only when screen size is above a certain threshold, so that it isn’t awfully small on mobile. No demo as it’s a private repo :(

Side note: Today’s a public holiday and I’m glad I managed to sit down for 1.5h to focus on learning the stuff needed to build my component. I’m usually very drained on other days as I have to be out of the house.